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Sand and dust test chamber
【Product Name】Sand and dust test chamber
【Product Category】环境试验箱
【Popular Products】5976
【Updated】2016/9/3 21:41:35
1. The inner liner material is made of stainless steel, and the outer shell is made of cold-rolled sheet with electrostatic spraying. Adopting imported intelligent temperature control instruments
2. Small programmable controllers with protective functions for each system.
3. Metal mesh nominal wire diameter: 50 μ M
4. Nominal spacing between lines: 75 μ M
5. Dosage of talc powder: 2kg/m3~4kg/m3
6. Conduct dust tests on electrical, electronic, automotive, motorcycle, and other products and components.
Execution standards and test methods:
1. GB4208-93 Dust Test Methods
2. GB2423.37-89 Test Method for Sand and Dust
3. GJB150.12 Sand and Dust Test Method
4. GB10485 Dust Test Method


CZ-500SC CZ-800SC CZ-1000SC CZ-1500SC CZ-2000SC
工作室容积(L) 500 800 1000 1500 2600
技术特性 金属筛网标准间距 50µm
金属丝直径 7550µm
滑石粉用量 2Kg/m2
喷粉降尘形式 1.自由降尘式:采用离心机将砂尘吹至箱顶替1/5高度使其自由沉将
控制系统 操作界面 液晶显示触摸屏控制器或按键式液晶显示控制器(可选)
运行方式 程式运转/恒定运行
输入 P-100传感器
使用电源 AC 380V 50Hz
标准配置 测试物料架两块,说明书1份,粉尘筛1个
